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The Fancy Tramp Vintage Flea, a Model Moving Forward

It has been coming for awhile now, The Fancy Tramp Vintage Flea, and I would like to take some time to share with you the process and what we are doing. Here are Brain Washed 70’s we like to do things in unconventional ways. For example, like hosting an event with cheap entrance tickets and affordable vendor booth spots. It seems like a growing trend for festivals and markets to push profits from the attendees and vendors through bloated ticket prices and vending spaces.

I remember going to music festivals for one-hundred dollars, and it seems today buying a ticket for a music festival will cost $300-$600 before you even leave the driveway or pack your cooler. I remember when my wife started vending at festival events where her vending spots were close to $85. It seems those days are done, because today she would be hard pressed to find an event to vend at for less than $200. With high overhead costs like that, it makes it difficult to keep going.

It is along that brainwave that we started teasing the idea that eventually became The Fancy Tramp Vintage Flea. We were hungry for an event and community that celebrated the artists and musicians in a fair an equitable way, not profit off them in such a way that tanks the internal economy and leaves so little of the pie for everyone else. Here at Brain Washed 70’s we believe that if we are “fair in the share” then there will be plenty to go around without too much going in one spot.

Of course, I am not saying that event coordinators and owners shouldn’t get paid, what I am getting at is we have came up with a model that seems healthier for the whole internal event economy with a fair spread across the board. All it took was some thought about what we want to do and create and to hold ourselves honest in what we want out of it.

What we came up with are cheap tickets for the goers and affordable rates for vendors. With day passes for attendees starting at just $10 and all access weekend passes at $45, you are in for a good time for less than a trip to a local sit down restaurant. Vending spots are affordable too, with prices starting at just $75. You would be hard pressed to call these prices expensive of bloated.

What these prices translate into is a weekend full of music, fun, and exciting activities. We are bringing musical artists that range from funk artists to punk artists. You will hear some rock and roll and indie rock. There will even be a country midwestern act. There will be plenty of vendors to check out as well, plus access to our brew street composed of local breweries and local food trucks to catch a bite to eat. Trust me, there will be plenty to do. We have late night wrestling acts by PWK on Friday night for the night owls to enjoy. There will also be a car show on Saturday dubbed Cars 4 CASA for all the gear heads and those that enjoy nice cars. All the proceeds from this car show will be donated to our local chapter of CASA. The vendors will enjoy a diverse crowd of goers to sell their goods to, and with so much going on, we will be able to maintain crowd size and attention so it isn’t an in out operation. Not only that, but we do have indoor vending spaces available in a climate controlled setting. What’s not to love about that?

The Fancy Tramp Vintage Flea may seem to be like other events in the past on the surface, but there are a few things that set us apart from the herd. We have been driving a focus on supporting local, whether it be local musicians or crafters, or local brewers and food trucks, we just want to help support the local community that has always helped support us. We see The Fancy Tramp Vintage Flea as vessel to help bring to community together in an affordable and equitable way. We just want to foster an environment where everyone can get something out of it, whether it be great memories and good times, or low over heads for better margins. With our model for this event, we can all share in that. As mentioned above, our low prices also set us apart. We look forward to a bright future with The Fancy Tramp Vintage Flea and prospective future events following the same model.

As a grassroots effort with a small team orchestrating this event, you can believe me when I say, your interest in our event is very much noticed and greatly appreciated.

Peace, Love,

Brain Washed 70’s

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